2024 Spring Update
“Remain in me, and I in you. Just as a branch is unable to produce fruit by itself unless it remains on the vine, neither can you unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me” (John 15:4-5).
In terms of spiritual fruit, spring 2024 has been one of the best seasons in the last decade of our ministry:
⁃ The students are asking better questions.
⁃ New students are joining the Bible study despite having no church background.
- An increasing number of students at our home/parking lot and a grant to replace the destroyed hoop
⁃ Students who have grown up and became spiritually detached are being inspired by God to reach back out for discipleship guidance.
⁃ Young men are leading in prayer.
⁃ Downtown, our space has grown as a hub for unchurched people to engage with the love of Christ.
⁃ Different people have come up to pray with the pastors after every service for the last two months.
- The classes we are taking are a meaningful benefit to us as Bible teachers and foster parents.
One of our students is particularly interested in mythological gods, and before coming to Bible study for the first time, he asked which one we would study. A few days later, his brother asked me, "Do you think Jesus is real?" I said, "Not only that, I think He really died and really came back from the dead." The brother responded sincerely, "Me, too." Julia and I later remarked about that being the simplest gospel conversation we have ever had.
It's not all easy though. We feel fatigued at times, and not just physically. There is addiction, suffering, hate, and even death in our midst. Pray for wisdom and endurance. Pray for new creations and sin-sick souls.
Thank you to God's people who support us to bless others with food, space, Bibles, sports equipment, and more. May Christ use our efforts and gifts to bear fruit in others' lives and ours.
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