2022 Summer Update

Psalm 90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with your faithful love so that we may shout with joy and be glad all our days. Hello from Cleveland. These summer days are going fast, but we wanted to update our family in Christ and acknowledge the good and meaningful things happening here. Sunday morning continues to be a special time of worship and fellowship at CityView. Pastor Ken, Pastor Jesse, and I [Caleb] are taking turns preaching through the book of Ecclesiastes. We are reminded that life can be short and difficult, but the eternal God has demonstrated love for us in Christ. He is still calling people and changing lives. This summer, we are also back at Perk Plaza on Tuesday nights. While we are there to reach and bless new people, especially people in need of connection with Christ and community, we are also thankful for the number of people from the church family coming out, excited to participate in the fellowship and outreach. With the teens at Thursday Bible study, we are working ...