Early Early Summer Update

So much basketball. Last night we had 16 young men cram into the living room to watch the Cavs. Today it was more hoops in the afternoon and then food and church starting at 6p. I just came in from a late-night showdown. Basketball has become a platform for connecting with people in Cleveland for the cause of Christ; several of these connections have deepened into ongoing relationships. It seems like a week never goes by that someone new isn't hearing the gospel in the Detroit-Shoreway neighborhood.

The downtown is still ministry central for CityView. After having our main service in a hotel for around 8 years, we are excited about the possibility of leasing a long-term location. (I am also excited about laying to rest a long-term labor of love: completely setting up and tear-down church before and after every service.) The new spot would feature a storefront presence near Prospect Ave. and E. 9th St. and would be connected to a residential high-rise in which we already have a Bible study. A move like this may cost than we're paying now, but it would almost certainly broaden the church's ministry potential.

Even though the number of people who attend on Sunday morning has remained steady over the past year, it seems as though the outreach heart of the people in our church family is bolstering. The Holy Spirit is on-the-move in the middle of a sermon series on the Holy Spirit. Richard is on his bike heading around the city to give out waters, share the gospel, and invite people to church. Kevin and Virginia are inspiring with their efforts to reach the Allerton building through a new tutoring program. Miss Helen and Sarah are stepping up big to provide food for our ravenous teens. Ronald has shipped out to serve at camp, Suzanne and Ashley are singing out, and I could go on. The church seems to be healthy even if we don't yet have a permanent place, money to pay the bills, the little things. This may prove to be for the best case scenario for CityView. It brings the old adage to mind, "I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know the One who hold tomorrow."

All who are reading this, please be in prayer for teens who heard the gospel today for what might have been the first time. Pray that God would do counter-cultural work both in unbelieving hearts and through the lives of believers. And pray for the potential move! Soli Deo Gloria.


  1. The basketball never ends haha, but it is amazing how good it is for connecting with new teens!


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