
Showing posts from April, 2018


When the rubber meets the road, the Christian will do everything to remain in control. Trusting God is great and all, as long as it means I don't have to stop relying on myself! In one week, I learned about my need for a dental operation beyond my budget, all that I owe the IRS for self-employment (even though I live below the poverty line), and that my computer with every sermon note, recording, PowerPoint, and graphic design has been lost in a “catastrophic hard drive failure,” as the repairmen called it. I won’t bore this record with the other miscellaneous mini-crises. I write this down, not mainly to complain, embarrass myself, or insinuate that I am underpaid by the Boss. I write this as the words from a Christian mentor creep into my mind. He recently asked me about identity; these were timely remarks. I paraphrase: "If you were to take away everything by which you identify yourself - that you're an American, a minister, well-educated, employed, somewhat urban, etc....

Next Level Stuff

I want to give a shout out Ronald! I have known him for nearly my entire time in Cleveland. He has shown undeniable spiritual growth and faithfulness in following Jesus; the dude has not missed church or discipleship for probably two years. A big moment in his story came this past week as he was interviewed and hired to work at Camp Patmos, his first official job. Ronald is leading by setting an example for other teens within the church. He'd be the first to admit that he has a long way to go, but I am proud of Ronald's willingness and teachability as we figure out what it looks like to be a young man in Cleveland who follows Jesus.