It's better to do a few things highly effectively than "survive" an over-committed schedule. We've made 2018 the year to streamline. Jesus is made known when we are marked by life and purpose rather than a perpetuated crisis mode. Life and purpose rightly point people to the One who has overcome the world. I am learning to set boundaries and say "no" - even to several good things - so that the things that I have been called to do might be done effectively:
- Worship leading (Shoreway or downtown weekly and Faith weekly)
- Preaching & teaching (Shoreway every other week, downtown every other month, & second hour every week)
- Discipleship/mentorship relationships (including appointments Tuesdays & Thursdays)
- Man Time (and for my wife, Girls' Night)
"Yes" is easily and often said, in ministry or otherwise. I've got worship nights, City Life clubs, social events, and at an unfortunate distance, friends - not to mention gainful employment - vying for time. When people ask me how I am doing, I hate to default to a reply of "busy" or "overwhelmed." Pray for me, Julia, and the above listed areas; pray that life and purpose might always flow out of our relationship with God and into these ministries. I imagine that we are not alone in the need of some prayerful streamlining. If we’ve got our every minute determined, how can we allow the Spirit to do the leading?
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