Soli Deo Gloria

Jesus gave everything to the glory of God alone. Reformers defined such a purpose with the mantra "Soli Deo gloria."

Jesus was perfect, yet people hated Him. Those who should have loved Him turned against Him and away from Him. He was on a mission and did not get sidetracked by peripheral resistance. Jesus seems to confront sin and be silent otherwise in the face of His opposition. He doesn’t seem to be a big complainer, gossiper, or worrier! He views everything in light of the will of His Father; nothing he does strays from His commitment to glorify the Father.

It gives me needed peace to know that my life mission as an imitator of Jesus is soli Deo gloria. I must remember this to dismiss renegade thoughts such as “I wonder what she is saying about me” and “I don’t think he likes me.” It simplifies, clarifies, mobilizes.

Soli Deo gloria means that I’m giving the best I can to bring Him glory. The thought and prayer of it helps me to work hard, to fight through difficult situations, to shut up when need be, to say the hard thing when need be, to be gracious when I don’t feel so, and to be comforted by His peace which passes my understanding.

Tonight I was reminded of my mission.
