
Showing posts from September, 2019


We often refer to discipleship (following Jesus together) as the "bread and butter" of the ministry here in Cleveland. Missional living and interpersonal relationships are critical components of living out the Great Commission.  Praise God for two teens who asked to enter into intentional, discipleship relationships  yesterday . Pray for all in our church family who remain faithful as we count the costs of following Jesus. As one teen said yesterday "the hardest part of following Jesus is hating your family in  comparison  to Him." I humbly learn from her as she surrenders to the Spirit's work shaping what she loves, thinks, and does.  Sam Alberry frames discipleship as necessary, responsive, costly, corporate, and missional in his podcast " Discipleship  ≠ Following Christ Your Way ."  The podcast speaks to the importance of Biblical discipleship in our call to be both disciples and disciple makers. Listen and be challenged with us.