Girls Retreat
Our teen girls are a challenge. Hardened by life so early in life, they have layers of walls making authentic relationships difficult and messy. Trust takes years of consistency and honesty to build. Some days I wrack my brain for hours thinking of how to be relevant and best connect; I constantly have to put my frustrations before God. He is the one working. He holds their futures. I must “simply” trust and be faithful. This is much easier said than done. Each week we go to Youth for Christ club with our teens. This exposes us all to other Jesus followers and it allows the leaders to connect with other teens outside of our ministry. The high school girls at club are especially challenging – some weeks I can barely get them to speak a word to me. It can be discouraging. A few weeks back, Youth for Christ hosted a Girls’ Retreat that we got to take part of. Twelve girls (five from CityView), and five leaders spent Friday into Saturday together. Going into the retreat, I had...