Entitlement and Me
I'm growing familiar with one the greatest weaknesses of our society, especially in its next generation: entitlement. It's the idea that we indisputably deserve something we didn't earn. Not only does it produce weak families, plunging motivation levels, dim futures, etc., entitlement has emerged as a major barrier to belief and sanctification because it runs in direct contrast to the gospel. The Bible says that we only deserve the death we did earn, but Jesus came to give us something didn't deserve. The only thing we're entitled to is death (Romans 6:23). Entitlement shackles us from understanding and embracing grace (getting something we don't deserve, Jesus' perfect life and death in our place) and the gratitude living which follows. That's what makes the Jesus follower different; he or she is marked by gratitude rather than entitlement! This was our message at our Shoreway Thankstaking, an event for our teens and their families in early December. It...