Creatively Repping Jesus
The destiny of every human is a face-to-face meeting with Jesus. Some will greet Him as friend, others as enemy. For whatever reason though, we believers suffer from a sort of “spiritual constipation” as my pastor friend Craig has dubbed it. After speaking out at Pastor Craig’s church in a Wisconsin, a woman from the church asked me about the park ministry at CityView. Her question went something like this: “So how do you do it, have a Jesus conversation with someone you’ve never met before?” It took a long and round about answer for me realize that I didn’t have a procedure for it. Yeah, I go to parks with intention, but the witnessing isn't choreographed. To speak of Jesus should be a natural outpouring of my real relationship with Jesus. Furthermore, what I am saying should address and answer the longings of the human heart! That answer kind of sounded like a spiritual sidestep to a good, practical question. The truth is that after a while, you just drop the junk, and t...