Don't Give Up the Ship
Sundays downtown we project out prayer requests up on the screen. I recently had the thought that we could just chisel some of these lines into stone; they seem to describe eternally unwavering circumstances. However... For as long as I have known Richard, he has been praying for his unsaved dad to come to faith. Richard himself has an amazing testimony as one who endured shame and hardship throughout his childhood in East Cleveland. He experienced severe racial hostility as a black-Asian mix. Even into his adult life, he has battled fear, anxiety, and loneliness. Richard answered Jesus' call more than seven years ago and, though he's been through many ups and downs, good times and hard times, he has demonstrated serious faith and commitment to know the Word. Richard stood in the gap, uniquely qualified to speak into his dad's life. His dad went down with a stroke and is, even now, secluded in an assisted living apartment near Kinsman on the east side. (As an edit...